i get that but automining is so ez to notice and most mines have atleast 2ppl so some1 should be able to report also any reason for the no...
ty for the support
on prisons if u vote while ur not on u dont get e-tokens which is rly annoying; ive lost 9 E-tokens because of this. so what im saying is that u...
on prisons ppl just try go for certain blocks that are worth more such as J somebody might only want redstone/gold blocks so they have to sort...
Support stops ppl dropping items worth billions imo it should be with any valuable item like etokens and stardust too
support i dont have it but it sounds annoying
@Noobcrew bring back normal prisons for a 10% increase in ur networth
*cough* justin *cough* kyo
imo it should be: premium/sponsor 50 vip 75 mvp/elite 125 supreme 200 god/titan 250
Welcome also mv> sb
i = fool
this is bs lmao
obvs ppl are gonna break rules thats the whole reasons mods exist. if u rly think this then whats the point of mods. ur supposed to spend time to...
FOURTEEN your are oblivious to what is occuring
k im support then
wait what? crew's made bare $ off prisons and hes closing it??
12 u saw nothing