Support it defo needs some minor tweaks and u mentioned some of them
ew u got banned
djryan is smart
ur as smart as a goldfish
Support but i think it should be optional
too bad u lost L
im neutral. totaly agree with ares except the returning pickaxe :) i am leaning towards support tho
im neutral cus its a nice feature but its just the worst sometimes + survival and skyblock are dead
he could pay every1's wage lmao seeing that ppl have bought atleast 2.5k more in keys on prisons
no support i enjoy combat logging
no support just count its that simple
truee lol
is he? i thought he had like 400subs and u have 1k
support i think your the biggest mineverse youtuber rn
same its annoying :( still getting the same amount doesnt increase u cant unless u use alts cus it looks at name aswell
ty crew
cool hand