u shmake
no support mainly cus it shows like a group of ppl who support it instead of just looking at the numbers
just wondering what from what year is some1 a rando imo its 2016 and after cus it started to die then
im just making this thread cus a lot of comments on sniffmytoes's post were deleted for being 'off topic' too many staff members are just trash...
nice very nice
support but i think it'd be better if u were staff on better servers cus mv is dieing
easiest 56/56 of my life. just wish i got 100% like that irl. joined on a diff acc tho so cant rly prove it but it says i joined november 2014....
i cba to do this again we alrdy beat those losers :p 4 i guess
False - theres been many mods who can you can look at their positives/negatives and easily see that the negatives outweigh the positives by quite...
makes sense
Full support infection needs to be revived it brought back minimum 20players when it came back then most of those players when it started dieing...
support + bump also i saw pork on opprisons in staff whether this is a bug or they're working on it idk but just thought i'd mention.