<333 so much love and appreciation for you
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for March: GoogleAccount - 48 votes DustyFall - 48 votes porkchop245 - 48 votes __DarkFire__ - 47 votes...
happy birthday <3
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for February: ForgetHerAlready - 86 votes Olieee - 85 votes andrewdavid475 - 84 votes __DarkFire__ - 84...
thank you, i appreciate it. hope you do too <3
my second home
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for January: J_ay__ - 81 votes jacness12334 - 81 votes __DarkFire__ - 81 votes DustyFall - 80 votes...
I've brought this up to the owner. Thank you.
Thank you so much for all your messages to Max and his family. This thread was forwarded to his parents, and I'd like to share that they are both...
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for December: J_ay__ - 86 votes Forzs - 84 votes jacness12334 - 84 votes porkchop245 - 80 votes...
Congratulations to our 2021 Discord Holiday giveaway winners! As this is a "1st won 1st serve" situation, the 1st winner will need to DM me...
you got it
[IMG] We lost a very special person this holiday season. @Max was taken from this world on December 18, 2021, due to a car accident. [IMG] He...
-ENTRIES CLOSED- Thank you to everyone who entered. Winners will be announced early January. To everyone who posted proof or messaged Clxrity...
<3 thank you!
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for November: __DarkFire__ - 90 votes SillySheep - 90 votes jacness12334 - 89 votes Forzs - 87 votes...
[IMG] [IMG] Here are the top ten voters for October: jacness12334 - 87 votes __DarkFire__ - 87 votes SillySheep - 86 votes Ghost_Linxs - 84...