can you remake prison server thanks
please just bring back old prison with the old save data
I would recommend applying your efforts towards a more worthwhile server, nevertheless i support anything here should be poggers
pogchamp to whoever deleted my post u hurted my feelings
mommy come back :(
yeah ill stop you there this simply is not true, there has never been any "real" work into promotions. it has always been done by senior staff,...
wish you could just apply all ratings in general in mod apps and suggestions like you used to be able to
donor.400 approves
peng innit
yo i never thought id live to see another flame war between staff and community, i wish i was 14 again :')
this server needs new ownership and & capable senior staff/admin core* new maps and friends are nice and all but whats the point of either if no...
being staff sucks
this is cap
just like the new kitpvp map im sure this will boost player numbers, visionary stuff
anti cheat is just garbage, won't change
i didn't know skywars had players that weren't NPC's
why would you even play mineverse tho this place blows, it's good riddance for you lmao
thats great but wheres prison
ur so peng