Mineverse Updates - September 25th, 2020. Global - Fixed /tpacancel or /tpadeny missing on some servers. Lobby - Improved lobby spawn. Lobby -...
Mineverse Updates - September 19th, 2020. SkyWars now has it's own forums and discord. This is to make it easier to handle reports, ban appeals,...
[IMG] Hey guys, We are finally excited to announce an idea we've had for quite some time and something some players were even expecting. The...
Mineverse Updates - September 17th, 2020. Global - Daily reboot was changed the other day and pushed 2 hours ahead, so it now occurs at 6am est....
Mineverse Updates - September 14th, 2020. Added giftcards to the webstore. -...
Mineverse Updates - September 13th, 2020. KitPvP/OP PvP/Space/Infection - Added /ping - https://www.mineverse.com/threads/ping.158183/...
Mineverse Updates - September 12th, 2020. Creative - Servers updated to 1.16.3. More info here:...
[IMG] [IMG] Creative 1.16.3 is here! With the latest Minecraft update of cool and unique items added to the game, you can now play with all of...
Mineverse Updates - September 11th, 2020. Updated all servers to support 1.16.3 clients. Lobby - Added more stars to the sky. o.o Lobby - Fixed...
Mineverse Updates - September 8th, 2020. Skyblock - Added a physical in-game shop at /warp shop. Prices here are 30-100% higher than the /shop...
Mineverse Updates - September 7th, 2020. Lobby - Added a new Lobby spawn. For those that may know, this spawn was one we used maybe around 2014....
Mineverse Updates - September 2nd, 2020. Space Prison - Added cooler sell signs. Space Prison - Mine N was improved to be worth more than M. At...
Mineverse Updates - August 31st, 2020. Space Prison - Fixed Pulsars and Quasars Space Prison - If a user has their rank rolled back like what...
Mineverse Updates - August 30th, 2020. Release of Space Prison, all info here:...
[IMG] [IMG] Today we are announcing the release of our brand new gamemode, Space Prison! Space Prison is OP Prison re-invented with unique...
Mineverse Updates - August 14th, 2020. Updated all servers to support Minecraft 1.16.2 clients.
Mineverse Updates - July 30th, 2020. Skyblock - Redstone Limiter, we are now limiting the usage of redstone per chunk. If a chunk experiences...
Mineverse Updates - July 10th, 2020. KitPvP/OPPvP - Added the Bartender plugin, (/bar). An oldschool plugin where you can buy drinks, by...
Mineverse Updates - June 28th, 2020. KitPvP/OPPvP - Added /coinflip. Create a bet or challenge a player, 50/50 gamble. Winner takes all minus a...
Mineverse Updates - June 25th, 2020. Updated all Mineverse servers to support 1.16.1 clients.