Mineverse Updates - May 7th, 2021. Ton of bug fixes and updates to the Skyblock server. Added Crop Hoppers. View in /shop or via /crophoppers....
Mineverse Updates - April 9th, 2021. New Lobby spawn. The previous area that included the server portals is now the main lobby spawn. Few issues...
Mineverse Updates - February 22nd, 2021. KitPvP - You will no longer spawn at spawn on every login, and will leave off where you were last...
Mineverse Updates - January 13th, 2021. Skyblock - Added a scoreboard. Skyblock - Potentially improved mob spawning. Parkour - Fixed broken...
Mineverse Updates - December 15th, 2020. Lobby - Changes/improvements; selector now updates player count automatically, message/scoreboard color...
Mineverse Updates - December 12th, 2020. Added /banners to all 1.8 servers, this plugin allows you to design and create a unique banner in which...
Mineverse Updates - December 4th, 2020. Space Prison - Fixed missing stardust and spacesuits for some users, some data was loss when we moved...
Mineverse Updates - November 30th, 2020. Twitter handle has changed from @mineverse_mc to @Mineverse Updated /links and new twitter/insta urls...
Mineverse Updates - November 15th, 2020. Our instagram has changed from instagram.com/mineverseofficial to instagram.com/mineverse. New homepage...
Mineverse Updates - November 3rd, 2020. Global - Updated all servers to support Minecraft 1.16.4 clients.
Mineverse Updates - October 23rd, 2020. Global - Updated icons in /friends menu. Skyblock - Release of Mob Arena -...
[IMG] [IMG] Hey guys, We've added the Mob Arena to Skyblock! The Mob Arena is a small mini-game where players team up to fight waves of...
Mineverse Updates - October 19th, 2020. Skyblock - Updated the /shop with more items such as shulkers, prismarine, coarse dirt, and terracotta....
Mineverse Updates - October 11th, 2020. Lobby - Added broadcast messages back. Lobby - Fixed the issue where you would infinitely fall in the...
Mineverse Updates - October 7th, 2020. Global - Updated /help messages. Made them more neat and server specific. This only shows default...
Mineverse Updates - October 5th, 2020. Forums - Re-created all of our rules, info, etc threads, made them neater and under a system account....
Hey guys, Just a quick plugin we created now added to OP PvP/KitPvP. You can now exchange your sets of armor into packable sets. This can...
Mineverse Updates - October 4th, 2020. OP PvP - We had an issue earlier where some user data was not saved. Some users may have been rollbacked...
Mineverse Updates - September 30th, 2020. KitPvP/OPPvP - Updated Auction House plugin. Fixed various issues, added new features. Due to an...
Mineverse Updates - September 26th, 2020. KitPvP/OPPvP - Improved AntiCheat KitPvP/OPPvP - Changed lightning strike/dragon egg messages. Space...