I feel like you'd be the guy who regularly burns incense tho. Heheh <3
Hehe <3
Oh damn I forgot you tutut silly me At first I wasn't interested in you then when I hit like 3 months on the staff team we got pretty close....
Honestly I never speak to you. All I know is that you love elephants and I'm pretty sure you no supported my app. However from what I see you're a...
Have fun you guys
'Cause you can wish away forever But you'll never find a thing like today
tagged by my bb @Jexica 1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. 2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from...
Omg im lucky to have a hunny like you so supportive, amazing and beautiful never take this girl for granted. I rlly like you, you were a good...
hiya whoa
hi bab
I don't really wanna furt your heelings but here ya go You were hella annoying on the staff team and rlly big-headed so that annoys me like hell...
I've spoken to you quite a lot and you seem pretty cool so yeah Eek you're literally my world <3 <3 You're a pretty nice squeaker but you should...
comment below. I'm being completely honest. sorry if I hurt your feels.
ily 2 <3
Do you literally have to copy everything from me smh
Everybody tryna steal my girl