When I was eight, around 2013 ;)
Calm down, children, I was joking. It's my fourth day of 6th grade
yes hello
Ah, that's nice. I never accused anyone of anything, and I don't see the need to disclose this is a joke. It's a post, deal with it.
I was eight years old three years ago, actually.
@Reborn Memes you turned twelve before me >:(
Thank you. I am the world's biggest 11 year old dumbass, aren't I?
fight me
Research isn't necessary. It's a funny joke on my part, watch a damn LeafyIsHere video, damnit.
I wasn't stalking her profile, child. I simply clicked on the link @Secunda provided and it came up with her profile. I love reading interested...
I didn't say you did in particular
I am inactive and hated. c;
I was joking about being 8 years old three years ago, mate.