Eheheheh, sorry for the late reply, but I believe he has already done so. (;
OMG, YES! @Daddy DID IT! I'M HACKER-FREE! C: Thank you, so much! c:
Thanks, so much. I'll try to recover my email account and forum account but other than that, this was amazing and I feel free to play around on my...
He's already helping me. c:
Well, I only got to work with you for one week, but its good enough to know you. c:
Yas, c: Ily x3 Ilysm2 c: Can't now though ;-;
Thx bby <3 x3
Thank you so much! I will re-apply when I get the chance. c: Thank you so much, I'm glad you believe me! C:
When did you get under my bed?! D:
Thank you so much, its really hard to deal with this problem. I'm glad that you're supporting me!
Firstly, Go here and please don't ask any questions. >.< Secondly, I'll need to put...
Hi there. I'm Alixilyn. If you already know me, you may be wondering why I have a new account. Well, for one, personal reasons, and for two, I've...
Well, a new start is a better start.