oh are we just gonna quote that every time I post a picture now, since he left the forums? xD
I think that's the best way that could possibly be handled. Nice save buddy.
I went way back in this thread, wow. Got a lil' jealous just sayin'. c: I'll leave a picture so this post isn't completely useless. Restart the...
THAT'S MY QUOTE. "Black and white hides flaws" I FEEL YOU.
Report numero dos. So proud. Your ingame name: Gemmalove The offender's ingame name: freddy_boy_03 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
I don't get why people are joking on this thread. I guess some people don't think a lot about what they want to do..
Ahm. Suggestions, which are similar to complaints, go in the correct suggestions section. Complaints on people go in the correct reports section....
Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset.
We are so fragile, and our cracking bones make noise. And we are just breakable, breakable girls and boys.
What you don't know doesn't hurt you? Until you find it out. ;~;
How is it too embarrassing? There are a wide variety of career choices, I can say for one I won't judge.
You don't want kids? Can I ask why? If you don't mind telling. It's just a common goal. :p
This is supposed to be a serious thread, hopefully taken in a direction separate from gaming.
I want to be in a place I love, with a job I love, and a family I love.
I'm like spamming this thread, but ah well. Took my hair out of a bun the other day and it was CURLY. My hair doesn't do curly, this was a...
To be a veterinarian in the long run. To be able to help animals. Overall, I want to travel, see the world. Hopefully change things for the...
Unless forums count ofc. A job is a job, doesn't always make people love you.
Not I.