Format, format, format.
No, I understand that people die with the crash items. I mean that other than that, dying in creative is uncommon, so people won't complain about...
That's impressive, I must say.
I doubt they'll be able to refund for this, sorry. Sometimes the game does things we don't fully understand.
Well there are pros and cons to reporting hackers in groups and separately. Separately, the title format the mods have to follow is a helluva lot...
This is a possibility.... Losing items is better than being unable to play, and hopefully people would be careful with what they carry around....
friends. what are friends. jk i have a couple. @PopIs_MyLife @mindsensation @trashcanprincess and some others that I haven't been able to...
Hmmm. Reading minds would be cool. As long as I could choose who and when. Teleportation, to wherever I wanted.
Let's play "Stack the Groundings"!. Going on a triple now I think. Such a rebellious youngun'.
Don't always believe what you hear. Just a tip.
Take me to Paris, let's go there and never look back. Paris, we can be crazy like that. <3
thanks sherlock xD
I would rather it have stayed, but yes, I suppose it does. Thanks, go ahead and lock I suppose.
Who deleted the messages from Ducky's alt on my profile and my subsequent reply? I purposefully didn't delete it myself, and I would have...
Ay yo, add a please next time. I may do the skin later, not that I play kitpvp. Depends on how bored I am.
Hmm. This is honestly tough. I think that more staff members helps the forums run smoothly, however, Guards are for Prison only, so full access...
My Pandora account genuinely makes me happy. Music bruh. My channels are so specific to me, they're perfect.
Weddings. hm.