pile changed my profile picture to this before
250 iq
Not really ineterested in the game that much at all
so.. today marks my 2 years of being a mod lol
Merry christmas everyone! :)
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
Should've recorded for a few more seconds I really cannot read the players name. Sorry.
the issue is your tissue
hi there
never too early
yes it's lit, christmas pump
3 years on forums. Almost 2 years of that was as a staff member. (I know I've been inactive but hopefully MV will be a better place now)
Hahaha, I know that he is a little bit odd and the lyrics in his songs make no sense but I enjoy it. But don't worry this isn't something I mainly...
someone who should've gotten the position 3 years ago
Ayy cheers, you too again xd