Who’s gonna be the Kyle or the Karen?
Oh I’m glad you remembered me
No good, smoke it then
Nah mate, ran out of Winnie blues yesterday, I may have a doobskin for ya though
So you mean just prison? Once you get freeman or got freeman, it was factions. Just need the old boys, old map, dewb, and a few noobs so I can...
Pooper Scooper.
Weren’t you mod like last month? Geez, y’all need to make your mind up whether or not you want it or not.
If I am being honest homecoming was better. I wasn’t al keen on far from home. Hope the third one is better than the second too.
Great job but no offence you shouldn’t be adding /trail. You should be adding /infection, only way to boost the server.
how much? Lol (just a joke geez no one get offended pls)
Lol either way, funny and cringe stuff aye? Ehh good times.
Lol righto son.
Remember me lol probs not
Righto mate k let ya off the hook lol
“Drive Threw” lol
I remember you :)
You use to play infection? Was a God Rank?
Again? What’s this 3rd or 4th term? Smh May aswell support I guess :) And because you’re a fellow Australian.
Not in-game, on the forums sure.