Not gonna lie, nor hold back. Whoever voted on the maps have either a bias or terrible taste in builds, no offense to targeted map builders. Other...
Support, allow them to parkour, but not to the extent of the helicopter.
Love the new lobby build mate, great addition to the Infection Server. #BringBackTheOGSpawn
JustExposed -> JustEgg
It'll be in exactly 12 days, 19 hours, 32 minutes and 04 seconds.
I mean, it's always been apart of that map, it is abit annoying. I do support - in some parts. I do like the humans being able to get up there...
Bring back the dewbious prison
:ooo canucks :o
I'm well aware of that. I was hoping for a replacement.
The link was just to have a gander. It's not MV but we can make it MV, would be fun to have it anyhow.
Right, I understand that the server is small nowadays but I reckon it'd be redhot if we had Block Hunt. (Prop Hunt) Yeah nah here's a link to...
. Scorpio_Venom stinks
F a h g
In-Game Name: xFeurin Plot: /p h NoobCupCake 3 Name of Map: Winter or Frost. /creative2
no support, trash map
This is still going? Jeez. 5.
Support, looks like a great map.