When Hau stops me every 5 seconds in moon I want to stick a fork in my eye
No support. You always used to act like you were the best mod ever when I worked with you, and it pissed me off as a staff member, more less a player.
No support
Oh hey you resigned
You bring back hella memories Grats on mod again
reborn you'd have to be less intentionally edgy to be considered again imo
o okay.
Go support my reapplication! Was that a shot
Promptly resign because I don't want to deal with that bs again
o god another one
Stop trying to be edgy
It implies that nobody quits Mineverse lol. You'll be back at some point
I would like it more if I could play it. As far as I know nothing much has happened besides the salt rating, and me realizing I've spent four...
i despise myself too
So what's the plan, come back in a week or a month?