No Support never seen you in game and you don't fully meet the requirements
Worked hard for my spawners then they get stolen from my claims when no one was added to them. Survival is getting more broken every day Support
Yes i did that and it worked :) thanks for the help :) issue is resolved now :)
Just changed my name and now i cant get on Mineverse anymore says Not authenticated with :(
I badly want to change my name but I don't know if I can get on my plot on opprison after i have changed my name. Will I be able to go into my...
My ign is SkyWarpz i play on opprison and infection :)
Herro OG welcome to the forums :) btw i also made a 2 year late intro XD
No support be active on forums and also i haven't seen you in game
Very silly downloading hacks but anyway if it is the end then goodbye :(
You can use the comment button to reply to my comment :)
Hey :)
Welcome to da forums :)
But you haven't got a 50 post count do you?
No support you do not meet the requirements and you did not fill out the template either
Congrats everyone who won! enjoy your ranks :). Reminds me when i won titan rank in march last year :)
Nope no support
Welcome back :)
Cool idea Support
Neutral reason stated ^
I don't really mind the EULA. I also don't mind that i will lose titan perks because i won titan :)