You figured put follow!
Hi Candy :)
What the word! Welcome!
Yeah I don't play OPprison 6-8 hours a day either.
I guess island farming is legal now? For some reason there has been an increase of dirt! For almost pre-challenge prices. Just what I've noticed.
2?? Bil
Sorry for stupid question, but how would you remake the shop "OP"?
I see a few problems... Java Version: 1.8.0_25, Oracle Corporation OpenGL: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current...
The spawners! Cause it gives an Error, could not find type-replacing with default, every time you place a non-pig spawner. At least with the sheep...
Because some of the plugins where patched to work for 1.8. For example the Echopet is a 1.7 plugin cause the pet:human only works in 1.7 Edit:...
I get about 140-170 ping and so do a lot of people. However, like some of the other plugins, it was from 1.7 and not 100% perfect for 1.8. It...
I might need to warp to sandshop for more cobble!
I'm in the states, but i can try! :p
pet riding a pet = pet stacking What do you mean? I'm not bypassing anything. Please explain.
"Remove big pets" ummmm OK... I will use my baby horse riding a baby horse then! Or medium slime/magma riding another slime/magma! Still going to...
Nothing really to add, just update and/or fix the plugins.
First remember it is not the final version! Second, have you ever played any GTA game? I have played up to GTA 4, so other then armor not being...
Pets should/can be disabled on Kit/OPKit/Archer. Faction you get a warning/temp-ban because in the wild u could get a wolf/cat/horse. Infection...
So infection isn't enough of a Call of Duty mod for you? Some of the maps are almost 1:1 scale of Call of Duty maps!
Congratulations you guys!