Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MrF1shy The offender's exact ingame name: Thickdude &...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MrF1shy The offender's exact ingame name: RockyGaming...
Your ingame name: MrF1shy The offender's exact ingame name: iBeatmypepe A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking - Kill...
Patience young one with great patience comes great reward.
Party Pooper your just not OG enough to remember Gizz and understand why he should be mod. Support though!
New PC is an absolute beast, run Watch Dogs 2 on ultra at 60fps no stutters anywhere. Love this new PC so much.
Werent demoted yet cant be too bad of a mod can ya :P <3
Just starting to get back into OPPvP and just in the first day I noticed how bad it was this really does need to get fixed. Support.
No support will explain when on PC
do u even know the last time i posted something on youtube..................
LMFAO well thats never gonna happen XDDDDD
Oi we both know I can outswim you.
Thats dope just idk how to make it my banner loool ill figure it out tonight
Hmu fam ill take anything when u got time
10/10 Memes
Your life now consists of 7k unique memes congrats.
If I PM you I'll end up getting banned for something that probably isn't even bad just like my previous problem with you.
What part of what was bad please explain me that?
Maybe if you would have looked at it a bit more carefully and considered it how I meant it we wouldn't be having this problem next time just...