When your favourite anime seasons end. </3
yeah, it's amazing.
Haha xD I live in England, it's not exactly hot but it's hot compared to what it's been recently, 16 degrees atm, Kuwait's weather is amazing.
Omg it's actually hot today ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sure will. >:
Ikr >:
Thought I'd try something new for a change, it also helps people I dentifrice me better since I used to be rachetclanks. xD
oii woah there
Could you change my name to RachetSenpai please? :P
#First <: Welcome c:
Dedication <;
Thanks bro, but if I am going to, think I'll have to give myself a really long time to think. xD
Yeah man, what a coincidence. xP
One of my friend's names is John-Paul. XD
Ew reports xD I'm really bored and I can't get on my laptop either >:
What you up to? ;p