SMOKE BOMB! *flees*
I can see how this would be helpful for donors, support.
Aiming for 500 messages ;)
Even if your deal was 2x this it would be hard to get anyone to pay $100 IRL. The deal is good though.
*sigh* I guess everyone's got a bit of dirt on 'em if you dig deep enough...
That profile pic has been there for how long exactly? :P
Almost at 300 positive rating ;_ ;
Yeah, you definitely deserve a second chance. Besides, if you are unbanned you probably won't ever become a Mod again ( No offence ) so nobody...
:eek: Thanks bud ;) Happy says "Thank you sir, Aye!"
Allot of people's votes didn't count this month... GG Though
Your rank won't make a difference in becoming a mod. No support, add allot more detail. Also try to get rid of that " New Member " status.
You don't need to be a rank to fly, just hack:eek: ij ij
How did you get it :P I'm not sure if I'd pay 3 trill for it but if you lowered the price a bit I might consider.
What I mainly think is why would someone invest so much money into one, every-day server out of all the other thousands? But as stated above It's...
Well at least you still have a smile on your face :D. Funnily enough, my own faction still hasn't been raided which is quite a shock to me XD.
All I needed to know is can I screenshot pet hiders and report them. Now I know I can ;)
As of 2 minutes ago I'm a Lieutenant XD.
Thanks guys :D