No problem :Dx- N
Thanks :)
that's sounds really good. it's Maps like that we need. instead of having a pyramid with 8 islands around it with a tree in each island
Skywars is really fun to play but, ingame the maps need updated to be honest. There was new maps added but I think we should reset all maps and...
Ooo, sounds good :)
Support, skyblock needs an update :D
Thanks, I used to be really active in mineverse but school happened, I've managed to clear things up and I have more free time to play mine craft
Changed name on here to @NarwhalXo instead of @Sassy_Narwhal since my new ign is NarwhalXo :Dx- N
Okay, thank you!
I'll be playing here a lot more now :Dx- N
Omg I remember yoouuuuu
Yeah I'm on Skyblock Right now. I dont know why i'm even following him omg XD
No problem :)x
I can't get this because its not supported on my platform. Is it REQUIRED to have it to apply for moderator?
he hacked, he still sucked
ugh, he was an old hacker on MC that told a bunch of lies and used me and @ClassyAlpaca