Heyyyy, how's life? It's been so long.
How's everyone doing? It's been almost a year of me being gone. I miss everyone.
Banned for banning pringles
Thanks. I hope you did well!
Congrats guys!
Banned for having a couple in your profile pic when I'm a single pringle
I've been studying like a mad man for them though
Lol. I don't have finals till January so that's nice but also right after break so that kinda sucks. How did your finals go?
banned for having 231 messages
Good just been busy busy busy with school work because of exams.
Banned for having Berry in your name
Banned for complimenting someone.
I'm late but congrats to the winners
Sorry I know you said this so long ago but I haven't been on. How are you?
banned for correcting someones grammar
Why are we still talking about being transgender?
Thank you @Porky I'm thinking about it :) Hopping on Minecraft to see how it's holding up :)
Why would you become transgender?