Support for all but disabling mob stacking and /fly. Hostile mobs should stack, passives shouldn’t. No /fly but disable fall damage in claimed...
Support. Not played kit in a while so I don’t remember the exact pots but stacking drinkable regens to 64 and all the other pots to 2-3....
Is there a cool down to unpack? Can you use this during combat?
No support. I'm an arsehole, I'll never get this.
No one will ever stop me having a nice bloody 14oz steak or a bacon sandwich.
Support. It'd be really easy to automate too.
Why is the blue dye used for packed ice when the ice becomes a pale colour?
No support. Most of my fights end with someone stealing the kill or they're team efforts.
Buy console on gumtree, sell to cex. Profit.
No support. Promotion waves usually occur when the owners/head staff feel they need new staff. What is the issue exactly? The only issue I see...
What is the issue you're bring up? Promotion waves being an issue or that they don't occur enough? I have no issue with promotion wave but I do...
You have... decent looking teeth.
Trump = God Trump Agreeing = 11th Commandmant
Back in the day when they had brain cells.
Ign: showgirl Age: 20 Why should I choose you? I got big fat juicy tiddies that needs some lovin' :p Are you a hottie? I could be in Highschool...
Mr_Jxk = Mr Jack (original I know) _MEGA_COOKIE_ = Cookies that aren't good, aren't great they're MEGA. HowDoIPvP = Legit question because I was...
I've seen 14 heals in a row on OP before. I was getting 3v1d while stuck in cobwebs and the heals were the only thing that kept me alive. I'd get...
Some of them are going to have ∞ instead of times.