Honestly. I know people on this server who have better networks, just not the player base. The quality of this server lacks, its nothing special...
Wow, you seem like a kind person... Regardless of whether I win or not, thanks in advance :)
i think you have too much time
Oh. Yeah. 5 characters... What's the point? They might as well just remove it :/
but was it in the hood?
:D heyyyy
why not
Dogs are smarter and more loyal, unquestionably. My dog doesn't roam the village, but it doesn't need me to watch it 24/7, in fact if I do watch...
I have two dogs, so I have a bias ;)
;/ i'm sorry, (and not sorry?) to hear that... ... i'm confused. lol.
I don't want to know how you got this, I can't imagine it's using public information... O_o You wouldn't want people thinking you're enumerating...
Fantastisch :D
Hey :D hru?
ngl, i had a lot of emotions when that dropped
five characters? lol, think ya might be mistaken there buddy. also it's not that big of a deal is it? I mean it isn't hard to fill up five words,...
get this thread closed... or moved to somewhere where this idiot can't get posts for his stupid idea... he's a blatant attention seeker.
i reckon Mayweather will win