Ok ok, applying for this position is a very daunting thing to do - you feel like you're being targeted by everybody, they all want a piece of you,...
I can't see your's either D: Maybe our double follow will help :)
yep, but it's not, and shouldn't be considered a compromise in anyway shape or form. -- When I was a mod here, I did all of it on a macbook, as...
Well I don't normally wander these lands, but I thought I better come say hi to my long-time favourite moderator :) *cough* - Sr. Moderator :D...
Glad to hear. I've been managing. Changed my name for some privacy issues, just thought I'd stop and say hi whilst doing so :)
I'm alright, hby?
hey :d
Hola amigo
Elliot ;)
Promote this man.. Right fu***** now . You know me, name change, I come back to see this? Still not promoted... People with the generic 'not...
By god! It's been too long. How have you been my friend?
this is aids... I'm hiv positive this aids
what le fu- I leave for a month and come back to see this? Nice! Congrats! We used to play, am Elliot <3
great... The only gamemode I was good at and played constantly is gone... so is the server now actually accessible? or do you still need some...
funny how all of u fell for the bait, this aids is probably the reason so many people leave lmao :>:rolleyes: dm me your address I'll be there in...
blow me
nobody cares
ye ye, thats the best way to play genjis pss me off -_-