Exceptionally literate AND a software developer? Amazing.
No support. Just want to say before I begin - I love every point @OhSkqy makes, thank you for representing and defending our language and making...
Pretty sure I made exactly the same post when I first applied for mod. Was torn to shreds instantly. Don't bother applying unless you have...
Hey Pile, I never really got to know you - because I was still one of those edgy kids who was just happy have "teen" appended to his age. Even...
Admin != Moderator I think if this were to happen it should be done outside of the public sphere, and be kept to a private selection kinda-thing...
Oh well, if you like it, that's all that matters. Yeah, I forgot about Apex, it's a pretty good game for a free2play, gg EA.
Yeah, absolutely! I use Discord more often now than I do Skype due to my friends, and what they use. I'll PM me you username if that's ok :)
Ah nice man, may I ask in what field? Any recommendations? I only really play CS these days, every now and then I dabble in OW or Battlefield or...
Ehh not really - still at school, so nothing drastic. At college now, so it's a bit more focussed which is nice, but that's about it. Yourself?
You and me both brother. I've been fine thanks :)
Hey :D It's been way too long. I hope everything's ok <3
Hey man :D Hope you're doing ok, it's been a long time.
Hey man, how you been? This is my annual stop-by Mineverse, say Hi to Scorv day. Hope everything's well <3
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy maybe our conversation won't have 6 month delays and consists of us entirely apologising for each other's absences :>:>
holy **************************, you're mod!!! Dude, it's been so long! I haven't logged in for like 6 months, and now I see your mod! It's unreal...
pretty much the same as you, I come here for the nostalgia, and there's some people I like to drop by and say hi to... ... We used to speak...
Hey man, hope you remember me <3 I come and check this place out every couple months, nice to see you've made it to H. Mod :) Hope you're well!
Waking up in the morning and playing ArcherPvP until I had to go to sleep.
If the moderators you talk about speak the way you've been described to talk, like 'everybody', then I wouldn't have supported them either... I...
Moderators aren't 'everybody'. Ignoramus.