You're so juicy
The argument isn't whether or not @Suzii hacks, he states it many times that he has a history of hacking and he was punished for it. Who cares....
Awesome job, keep it up :)
Hey um welcome um officially to teh forums I guess qt. But no I'm totally normal and not weird, ur weird and ew not normal. Enjoy your stay :)
Neutral. I find that there aren't enough players for GTA. However, (hopefully, maybe?) that would change as more updates come to help Mineverse....
oh my
cool beans
Looks great, thanks everybody!
Support. I don't see no harm in doing so.
Unturned is a pretty good and chill free game. I haven't played it in a long while, but it's like an off-brand Minecraft and Roblox with guns and...
bad=good in my slang like Jojo is so baddddd baddie boy (totally)
Support/ re-support. Keep it up!
Jojo is bad
Awesome, let me know how it is!
I'm high-key thinking about getting Cold War. I haven't played COD in years, but I grew up playing BO1, and Cold War is essentially a continuation...
The Blacklist - I genuinely find it the worst and best show I have watched. Everything about it I love, but I find myself laughing at the main...
Yeah support