DAILY BUMP first hehe
Hai Mai! It's nice to meet you and cute introduction :3
No support. You have a great start to your application, but I suggest you add more detail involving why you want to be staff. Also, get familiar...
gg Ordi :)
Congratulations Sando :)
Support. All three sound like a great idea.
Do I target everyone purposefully? Nah, just Atom But what can I say, Atom you're irresistible
They're adorable!
bruh why tf are you here
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay. Side note, what type of doggies do you have? They sound absolutely adorable.
No support. Perhaps look at other applicants as examples because I do agree that you lack a lot of necessary details. Good luck.
Re-support/ bump Please add...
Missing you the most
It's $5 at Gamestop pre-owned But on the PS store it's like $20 for the download
But for realzies you should get Titanfall 2 But on PS4 so I can kick your behind
bruh stop watching anime and do some homework
Master Chief, the ultimate catfish?!?!?!?