Support ofc
1. BuilderNicky1 2. Proven_ 3. Hacking 4. Video - His head turns to ieatwafflez at 34 and back to me quickly and later he turns around quickly and...
1 ;-;
I honestly don't remember anymore. I only remember about 7-9k (depending on the person) might buy you God or something. It's a good offer.
27 WHen you were afk :>
Do you have a gaming computer?
The good o'l days were a lot better.
1. BuilderNicky1 2. xXBossModzXx 3. Anti-kb, kill-aura 4. Video [MEDIA] @MaxNinja10
I might be able to get on rn, can you?
(This is also an issue on kitpvp) Support, most of the people on kitpvp that are good have ranks and it's unfair to the other people who don't...
Max I missed you by 5mins last night :t
ofc Do you like school? :t
I just restarted MC when that happened to me or just spammed the refresh button.
Someone is ddosing you. I used to get ddosed all the time.
The mods also have lives to live… just saying
Support c:
Eww Lava Cake