u guys are cringey af
Well he is a liar. I'm guessing he really wants to be me. lol Dont play this server anymore
I'm not really sure what this kids ign is but if any of you staff know, go ahead and ban him. I don't play this server anymore to even know who...
Factions was never meant to have any kits.
your name says it all, you're one hell of a random
Hmm., maybe I will have to come back for one of these tournaments.
Just don't use the macros simple, also don't record. Just play the game, it's pretty stupid. It's basically just how people use clients on this...
yeah server is dying it used to average 700 + now ranges around 300
So yall lazy mods can spend more time IN game then be on forums
shut up party pooper
Not going to spend much time on this thread.. Forums helpers would help move threads to appropriate locations, and do what regular moderators do...
thats not the only server that needs work lmfao, everything is hella outdated, starting from factions
prison is outdated af and goes along with all the other gamemodes and server is pay2win
cat fish
why are you catfishing
nice you're on google!
Pocidel why would I need proof? I don't take screenshots of idiots
Reborn memes, no. He was toxic in game before he even got mod, I mean how hard is to fake your personality just to get the staff role