nothing was good about it lol ^^ worst one yet, cant wait for next years :____))))
Support, I guess.
some game modes have the info
dont worry about it, you've said your part let it go x;
Support :_)))
Support :)
we needadmin pls promote someone :_)
^^^^^ Noobcrew knows where to get Builders if he needs them, plus we already have 2-3 builders and they're fine. No support.
no where did i say discord..
nah, it shouldnt xd
^^ since EVERY post by mods is "make a support ticket" so its pointless of having it - people who say "some people may not know about the support...
i don't care about this, but i do agree with all the other points. Support.
mod tools simply goes to poke. this would be a waste of time no support :)
bc they aboosive no support mods dont need it no one cares if titans are afk ^^ for gods too xo
They should of added OP Prison to the revamp. I don't support removing it but a reset would be nice.
full support.
they won't last long no offence :+)
i dont
hi i support.