l m a o o n e d a y a p a r t support
its offtopic let him make as many threads as he wants. bloody hell
clearly you weren't very trustworthy. mhm odd how u r admin on /staff plus u do most things that crew doesnt <_>
u r ur just in disguise
the server is dead because theres nothing original anymore. no better features than any other server and the community is terrible nowdays.
he doesnt + im pretty sure he hates mojang
It's not needed these days, we have a small community *pretty much* now and it wouldn't be worth it.
^ Support - continue making reports and being eager to apply.
hi abbie its good to see u are still on the team gl
The current hmods can't handle a developer rank so making them have it would be dumb matt is our admin and hes fine. do we really need an admin?...
A question I would to ever get answered by one of the staff members
tbh staff should be on for an hour a day but they don't get paid so they don't have to ever get on if they don't want to. * most staff say they...
i would xd but you'll get banned !L!l2l2l222211111 from this amazing server
practically everyone knows pastel, who was a past mod lol ur incorrect you don't have to solely play oppvp to know who someone is btw
You would be my only favourite mod (plus moni) even though this place doesn't deserve u support to the moon and back
for two days before it comes like every other server :_)
nope inCORRECT there is no demand for applications and no one would be attracted to a dead server like this on youtube.