Yeah, @Matt what do you develop?
Well, another developer that's good.
I know, but as Swift posted, apparently another bedwars map is being built, so that will be a good opportunity for old tavern to be removed and be...
Support, The vote parties are annoying. They need to be changed.
Welcome to the Mineverse Forums and the server itself Mineverse! Hope you enjoy your stay here! Need any help with anything simply message me on...
Support! The death price is way to high!
Support! This looks like a great map!
Ok, so as you know ./bw5 is always being released again then being shutdown. It was released earlier this week, apparently it was 'fixed' but it's...
"Live Life as a hero, Or die as a villain
Thanks Cyp! This will merely prevent spawnkilling, but it will still help it.
They're being exploded.. As you can see, when other people die, it's in grey colour this is in white, meaning they're spectators trolling.
Hurlz Midnight_Fox & WainbowJFox_ Abusing Glitches in ./bw5 Evidence:
So you don't believe me?
I can see what he's removed from his recycling bin with logging.
Logged Recycling Bin.
Thanks For The Follow Back!
Support! You were a perfect mod! We need more mods like you in the staff team!
I checked that aswell.
I went to his house, checked all his folders for clients or any recent history of clients, and he has nothing to do with it.