I deserve this because of my gender
Just pointing out that this is still here and it's not a joke it's an actual app so @Pile pls move it to the right category ;) bump
minecwaft is best erest game
Real gender: Male Diseases: The rest of the genders
ok ok ok
hello lol
Oh no.
Bumpinq Replacing 'g' with 'q' is like the new edgy thing isn't it? All the cool kids do it Anyways feed me more supports my dudes and dudettes
Maybe I am tin ;)
He's talking about the comment not the capital letters you potato
WhEn YoU mAkE A rAnDOm ComMeNt oN a rAnDoM pOsT tHaT wiLL gET a LoT oF rePliES aND gIVE yOu frEe nOTIfIcaTionS tO mAkE yOU fEel lIke yoU'Re...
If you do the phamercy combo she legit can't die
No but I'm insecure about myself, does that count? <3
Nubxy the cookie? More like, Nubxy the cookme pls I don't like my life
Pls don't use pharah it's a disgrace to all humanity (unless they nerf her)
Oh ok.
nerf pharah plx