Comment down below if you want your name defined by, yours truly ;) Follow the template below to get your name defined. IRL Name: IGN (Your ign...
@HeyitsAlexa @canucksfan44 @Badlerner
Only moderators are able to tag Cyp/Crew. He doesn't receive alerts if regular players tag them.
. Support!
75% Support
@Obama rating dislike for a question... Geez
What's a Pokemon?
He hasn't got my O rank or A prisoner rank back ever since I changed my name. I made a request and not one person has replied yet. I highly...
Dude, he doesn't know what websites have porn and which ones don't....
It's a template
For all he knew that could be porn...
Happy birthday!
Thank you! Your support means a lot to me. :)
Much MLG Much wow
No support. -Not well known in the community -Big letters make it seem like a lot of information -Terrible grammar Name all things that you...
Cyp has received my Titan rank back, and I am truly thankful for that. I would like to have the rest of my stuff back (Money on all gamemodes...