Mm... I don't like the way how you put bullets. Sorry but no support.
You seem not to hack and your not rude anymore. I'm proud of you. You changed by a lot! Support!
You can't do that... Anyway insufficient evidence.
He knows the community quite well. I can only remember twice on Infection though.
More detail could help. Plus there is no Trial Mod rank anyway.
I don't support this. People can just go to a secluded area and get their exp bottles. No need for specific rooms. Plus more and more people come...
Hmm... good point. Didn't think about that. Anyway it's not to much of a big deal. Zombies could of course just do /alive and see that they are...
Or possibly it's their skin.
No support because I forgot to support 100% :3.
Hm.... 75% support. When you say mature I don't think so.
See? You can't spell things correct and you aren't even mature. You can't even respect people's opinions! See.
Promoting you would be a mistake.
I vote for myself.
Like a somboddeeeeee.
Good luck on your trip. Make sure if you pass by Kentucky, buy lots of chicken :).
Tanks man.
What is your ingame-name? The_Pinoy_Beast How old are you? I am 9 years old. Do you know any of NASA's current members? I know you (lul),...
Yeah but I changed my opinion. Sorry.
Also by the way, do not include donations. It lowers your chances.
I don't support because I don't have a reason to support and to not supportyou. So I guess 50% support. :P