Happy Birthday.~ Hope it's a good one c=
**if something isn't **I'm **I'm **don't Work on your punctuation buddy You're immature and your attitude is absolutely toxic No support
Level 19 1298 Flareon
September 9th Even though I'm taking classes this week to get ready
Congrats.~And I'm Level 19 C^:<
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: CauseImARandom Rule(s) broken: Saying death threats to another player and disrespecting the mods...
Same, I also used one in Colosseum(since your starters are Umbreon and Espeon)
<3 I'm raising one in X rn
:o ---- Pokémon: Staraptor Head or whole body: Whole body, if you could. Sparks of type: No thanks^^ Specific time: Nah, take your time.~ Name: No...
Your in-game name: Frooes The offender's user: Explosive_Spoon Rule(s) broken: Advertising another server Evidence:...
Rock Warrrr Mooooosic
I don't know how many times I have to say this: the donation would be under your username. Do you think that Buycraft would scan his IP and say:...
The rank wasn't for him, it was for you. It'd have to be under your user
If you looked at your other thread, Cyp replied to it and supplied a picture that showed there was no donation under your username. You were scammed
xD I'm going back to school for a few days next week for a study skills class but then I start on September 9th
Lucky, I wanna go back to school;;
There you go again. This isn't a race battleground: it's a block game. Why would you even start spamming it in chat? It's common sense not to do...
I seriously hate people like you: always blaming things on others. Maybe you should read a book about manners and common sense. Instead of being a...