Ey.~ But rip
Absolutely no support [LIST] You cursed out at me and my friends before You're extremely rude and immature You don't meet the requirements Your...
GameOfFries Larry2005 Advertising another server https://gyazo.com/6e95157e72a9ebf74f9b401f5f036081
GameOfFries UrMumyIsOnMyList DDos threats https://gyazo.com/ad5ea22b062da3fc095e95064bec2d1d
Female: Heidi (I had a German Shepherd named Heidi, we had to put her down 2 weeks ago), Clarabelle, Jingles Male: Arthur, Felix, Matthew I would...
There are still many errors, your application should look somewhat like this: Before I get started with my mod application: 1. I am sorry: If I...
There are still spelling errors No support : Not a detailed application Use the reply button Grammar and spelling errors Immature We're not...
Frooes Bossmonkey26 Death threats to another player Note : Wasn't sure if the player meant in-game or irl, I gathered evidence just in cause if...
Frooes KingChaosControl Advertising another server https://gyazo.com/281f84997006a2d4eee69fb19b56aed0 If the link doesn't work, please tell me....
MCR <3
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: m414rkie Rule(s) broken: Exposing personal information + spamming Evidence:...
Frooes markuss2ls222 Advertising a death warp In this screenshot, you can see him advertising it to me in /msg...
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: dino_Minec Description of rule(s) broken: Advertising a death warp Evidence: In this screenshot, you...
Frooes iLunaq Death threats to another player https://gyazo.com/0b82e13b59773a3fd24df697e597dacd If the link does not work, please tell me. Thanks.~
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: iTzLukecosPvP Rule(s) broken: Disrespecting a moderator Evidence:...
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: SuchStrqfes Rule(s) broken: Encouraging another player to commit suicide Evidence:...
Your in-game name: Frooes Offender's user: SgtSpermcell Rule(s) broken: Advertising a death warp Evidence: In this screenshot, you can see him...