I recently changed my name from Real_Fitz to 6_a & my signs at my plot No-longer work I cant get in my chests because of the name change (no im...
I mean I would... but My face reveal has been Leaked 1 too many times so chances are Ya know what I look like but If not here you go (no bully...
nothing much, how have you been?
one too many hits
I remember when you were mod... man time flies
hey old friend
I want to know who this person is...
Your forums account name: Real_Fitz The offender's forums account name (link to profile):...
Your ingame name: Real_Fitz The offender's exact ingame name: crazy01robert A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Posting...
im reporting this acc
he hasnt been banned yet?
Leeetss geeettt riiiggghtt iinntoo thee NEWS
And started making Up some Dank Lies
Your ingame name: Real_Fitz The offender's exact ingame name: UnderArmours A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scammed me 50...
no just minecraft had a break down for a second xD
So I logged on to opprison & went to my plot & it was a weird lighting error http://imgur.com/a/mRxqz (This isnt on the half of Mineverse) I set...
Owner of the Opprison History Museum
ok there is more proof. second one has the proof that the plot is owned by the player.