2 Edit: #ChallengeAccepted (9 •̀ω•́)9
That's similar to how the maps had a set rotation in the old infection. I guess it's all about personal preference really. Personally, I like the...
50!!! We One
One more word
Bump <13> Support and/or constructive feedback is welcomed :)
Bump <14> Any support and/or constructive criticism is welcomed :D
Fearless, mostly. (To be chased by an angry hive, I'd probably be a bit fearful of the outcome of that ^^; ) Learning you have a stalker in the...
Seems a bit late, but... Welcome to Mineverse Forums \(^o^)/
6 Just the number ._. Because Creativity
1 Stealthy Words
We can't do this! 3
Welcome to Mineverse Forums :)
Feared (Somewhat) Global Warming (Sped up x10)
Support. If there is some way to implement this, it would be a useful addition to Mineverse Forums. Spam can become quite annoying, so having...
Never Never have I ever seen Donald Trump's tax returns.