Banned for making my hashtag seem even lamer than it already was. #GrammarPolice
xD We'll be living in martian colonies.
Banned for #Exposing me. :T
lol thanks :P And yeah, that's true. I'd say it's not soon enough, but if I blink my eyes now, summer may be over already ;-; So, I guess it's ok...
Banned for banning me. You can't ban me because I said so. (No, I'm not 5, I'm 6 ._.) I'm actually a teenager.
;-; I know. It will only get worse from here... yay for optimism! Maybe it will get better, but with so many tests coming up, and Mineverse dying...
Banned for not noticing that I banned @Ruminisque for "Never".
I didn't quit. I've just been busy. I'll be back eventually. Also, I'll check it now.
Just in general. Mineverse is one of the top servers I usually play on, so if I'm not on Mineverse often, I'm probably not playing Minecraft often...
I can relate. I think everyone can to some degree... Good to know you'll be fine though ^_^ Anyway, anything interesting happen lately? (I...
I'm fine, what's wrong?
Hey! How are you?
Then we shall face off endlessly, till the day that I can say I ONE (again).
;-; I refuse. 1
Banned because I feel like it.:cool:
I'm not giving up ;-; 1
Can we do it? We we can! ...1
lol 2