The horses disappear when you do /spawn riding it. Is there a plugin to make that not happen?
No are fault ur internet sucks everyone else has good internet on the staff team LOL. And No support @Cakks_
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Vevi The offender's exact ingame name: TQAD A...
Like 1.5-2k
No support never seen you in game and your very rude
Most mods dont know how to tell hacks or not lmao
No support lmao
Vevi I call people the n word on skyblock
They claim a new map is coming soon buts its taking forever
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Vevi The offender's exact ingame name: Loikco2k2k A...
The rate you said 100k per -1000-2000 sounds good
Hello my name is Vevi and I have 24k on kitpvp im willing to give it or "Some" of it depending on how much skyblock money you have. Leave a reply...
My ign is Vevi
Imagine being on the top voter list but not getting top voter...
Hes not actually quitting lmao hes just waiting to be unblacklisted LOL
Survival is such a bad gamemode and its so broke they need to just remove it lmao
No support never active never reports
Yea its super nice no one totally never plays it LOL