I've completed my fair share of reports from years back. ok
To be fairly honest, I do not want to go in-depth with that question. I do not feel the need to write an "essay" compared to other applications...
Your in-game name: Topmass22 What timezone are you in? EST What country do you live in? Canada What languages do you speak? English, French and...
Vaulting eggs to what extent? Please don't complain about having kit titan. That has no relevance here.
What was your reasoning for resigning your position?
Moderator again haha. Congrats.
Your in-game name: Topmass22, TopmassMC, Alarmings What timezone are you in? EST What country do you live in? Canada What languages do you speak?...
Hello old friend.
Who are you?
Please comply with him and show him the proof, then your account is useless to begin with.
Better to make a new moderator application, this is just outdated. Good luck.
IGN: Topmass22 Timezone: EST
Hello Fernando.
Hey Gizz, it's been a while, but I'm unbanned.
Don't know who you are, but I'm back. Thank you.
Hello, I've been gone for around over 3 years now, and I've seen significant changes, just wanted to see how everyone is doing.
Guess I'm back after over 3 years. Haha.
ONIONOG LMAO But seriously, how did I beat you?
grats on elite Hope you enjoy this...