1. NoNeed2BeKnown 2. AdaptsePvP 3. Death threats 4 Evidence: Thanks for your time ~ Griff
1. NoNeed2BeKnown 2. coolamit123 3. Spamming and excessively cursing in chat 4. Evidence: Thanks for your time
Another simple question which, what's your favorite board game as a child or currently
The title basically states it. What's ur fav song?
Hello. You know that I am usually bored, attention seeking, and I have no life. I decided to make a thread because of those reasons. Love ya :3...
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The violator's name is: navoh He said "kys" Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
This is so head for me to do.... but after seeing @Herf and @Kyra being brave I figured I will too. I'm coming out as a living pepperoni. Please...
Hallo, this is my rachet and sad quiz. If you are insanely bored here's the link:...
1. Real name: David 2. Nickname: Griff, Dave, David (Spanish Accent) 3. Favorite color: Silver and Blu 4. Gender: Male 5. Nationality: Puerto...
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: slinky1000 He has reach. Skip to 0:30 Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: cactus_PVP98 He has reach? Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: IWatchedNetflix She has reach and other hacks but you would say "Lack of evidence" due to the...
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: xSassyGurlsx She has NoSlow as seen when she walks normally with a bow. Evidence: [MEDIA]...
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: XxSky_ArcherxX She has hacks. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: _AxasCraft_ He has reach. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: brettsmh He has insane hacks. Skip to 1:50. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The violator's IGN is: NotElena_ She was harrassing me and others. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's IGN is: IGetTheW He has multiple hacks. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff
Hello it's Griff and I don't know if you agree or not but I feel that you should get an alert for whenever someone you follow comes and goes...
My IGN is: NoNeed2BeKnown The hacker's name is ceadeus1111 He has reach, no slow and more. Evidence: [MEDIA] Thanks for your time ~ Griff