Yeah, it's obnoxious. Support?
I once asked my friend if he'd save me over a family member of his. He instantly said he'd save his family member. I respect his choice. He may be...
So yesterday...
You're welcome.
Do you have siblings that also play Minecraft?
(slaps all of you) * * * No support.
Just don't accept things other people say without looking into what they're saying first. Friendly advice. Otherwise, I don't know anything you...
No it's not. Answer the question properly. No support.
Not these you don't. Because: (1) you don't get /socialspy, and (2) /unmute isn't a command. Just because of this I'm skeptical about you. I...
Oh, come on. Be optimistic. If a moderator abuses the command, someone will eventually find out. And if a moderator is willing to abuse any...
Are you guys retarded or lazy? No where in the application template does it say how the template is made to appear, including order. If you read...
I suggest that you watch the 4chan series by The Gamer From Mars on YouTube.
Official Mineverse Rules: Do not ... make more than 2 replies in a row. I'm sure that any number greater than 2 does not equal 2. * * * How...
You'd think it'd be removed altogether then. Not just blocked.
Ever heard of periods? Without bias? I'm assuming that's what you meant, but to be sure. When was the last time someone was speaking only...
"The reason why I want to become a Moderator is because after a recent ban I have matured quite a bit and have tried helping people for a change"....