Is some one willing to do a 2 or 5$rank for Factions 500k 30gapples 10sharp V axes 3Sharp IV axes Kit god 4 dayzz Opprison 500bil Kitpvp 500$ Pm...
fsue when is it my turn
cause its like every server factions oh only 20people daily it needs reset no its just normal that there are not 200people on 1 gamemode
No support
Same problemm here
130k prison
How much is it wort then
My friens will be paying 125k and 5gaps every gift code on factions inbox if its a deal
@TureMu scamms
150k factions for a cape
Doggz_ I need for my friend he rly wants an acc with a rank so i gnna give it to him as birthday pressent Number : 1000
can any mod plzz help me with ban apeal the mod i was banned by got demoted plzzzzzz
i try to get un bann but there is 1 problem the mod is demote
What programma you use to make them
he only got it on opfactions on other gamemodes he dont
I pay 175 k for it
10stacks cobble 5stack iron 2stacks sand and 2stack grass for 500k
People schultz hacks accs like he did with nicosonic