Good idea! Another solution is to vote exactly when the voting resets to avoid this from happening. But full support.
Please vote exactly when it resets xD because it's either a glitch or some no life person voting people off. But you definitely are gonna get top...
Hope you get top 5 though since you're a fast voter :D
Okay 2 things. 1 Yes you can get top 5 because you're still ranked 2nd. 2: To avoid this vote exactly when it resets or as close as possible. Idk...
Getting blamed because of a voting manipulation thing that has happened numerous times. D:
Half the community is blaming me for "Voting people off" because I was the only one who could vote. D':
My IGN: Redman333 Offenders IGN: ImSoHorny4u Rules Broken: ImSoHorny4u told my to kill myself Proof:...
u nub lmao supporttt of course
Many parkour servers constantly add new courses, since many of the serious players are completed. If there is nothing for completeds to do, a lot...
Yeah, J.cole and I build additional levels a while ago, got a decent amount of support but no response. ;-;
Yeah, but I love numbers and stainless. 2 older songs.
Is fire
Nuuu you beat me ;-; xD
True, but are you going for top 5?
Ayy you're on the voting top 10