Matt hasn't abused anything yet, and whether Tanner's "abuse" is actually abuse is really questionable. Besides, that was several months ago, and...
Yeah, I don't expect Cyp to not take his time, but he's got to have a valid reason to not take his time. I mean people are busy yes but waiting 6...
He's been taking his time for several months now...
@CypriotMerks should at least give Tanner or Matt temporary perms for the BW plugin so they can fix it.
Tanner has no access Matt has no access Old dev left Who has access? Is this what it's come to? I wish they'd just put MV over MineTime for two...
But why not? It should be easy to do so.
so why can't he fix spec blocking? I still feel like Cyp forgets about Bedwars. Mineverse before Minetime, please.
I noticed it too.
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Vaxirus_ 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. When they hit him you can see Vax doesn't move back at all. [MEDIA]
Tanner doesn't do stuff on Bedwars, he said so himself.
Maybe he doesn't have access to the plugin. You never know.
better than nothing. I'm sure he can and has the time but not sure if Cyp will let him.
Even for Bedwars that is a lot, never seen this before. Most I've seen is 2 or 3 hackers in one game, and fly hackers are actually really rare.
A better chat filter would be nice. It doesn't have to be as strict as the one on the other servers that turns "glass" and "assassin" into...
So are you allowed to at least fix stuff like spec blocking and glitched middles? I mean, lately nothing major has happened on the server, nothing...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. RishFish 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. [MEDIA]
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Instraments__ 3. Hacking (fly, if it's not fly it's some sort of glitch abuse) 4. [MEDIA]
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. JelloMello 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. You can see I shoot her with a bow, and hear the "contact" noise, but doesn't fall off....
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. MIN3CR4FT2738012 3. Hacking (speed ladder, no way he can do that with swift pots) 4. [MEDIA]
rip 100% support rate, even though the islands have a lot more detail than Abandoned Mines' islands.