Sure support:)
You didnt macro you used history?
Neutral for now.
Sure i guess.
Too often I get too much junk in my inventory when fighting someone. Everyone is rekitting always /kit op and it comes with bad swords and bows....
Asking for button click could get you in trouble LOL, as seen on my old accepted Moderator application. But sure Ill press it.
Sure support. I see you online sometimes... Just don't become inactive when you get it pls. Other then this goodluck.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: VertalX The offender's exact ingame name: Ceyez A...
Small peepee
thank u
[IMG] Made this build for my server anyone like?
No support you can do /clear already
Support Please fix this in Kitpvp
Thank u for ur service :)))))) You were great. This is PurgePoodle.
Sure support. Is this your 1st time applying?
Support gl.
Really enjoy u added water in the map